Wroclaw Medical University Anatomy Department

ISC candidates 2023

Congratulations to the elected members: Hania, Melissa, Eva, Isabel, Vanshika, Philipp, Nick, Melina, Abdul, Ester, Antonina!

Tomorrow the elections are held at our university and we present to you the candidates of this year! There are 11 available spots. We are hoping for a motivated new members and a great year ahead, full of new projects that make student life at our university

Hania! President of ISC, has to be re-elected.

Hania ISC Candidate

Melissa! ISC secretary, has to be re-elected.

Melissa ISC Candidate

Vi! Currently a member of ISC, also up for re-election.

Vi ISC Candidate

Eva. 6th year student.

Eva ISC Candidate

Isabel. 1st year student.

Isabel ISC Candidate

Nicholas. 2nd year student.

Nicholas ISC Candidate

Melina. 5th year student.

Melina ISC Candidate

Vanshika. 4th year student.

Vanshika ISC Candidate

Esther. 4th year student.

Ester ISC Candidate


Muhammad ISC Candidate

Antonina. 3rd year student.


Philipp. 5th year student.

Philipp ISC Candidate

Yes, you have counted right. There are 12 candidates for 11 spots. We will know the outcome very soon!

What do they stand for?

open the PDF and find out 🙂

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