Our university offers various athletic activities you can get involved in!

Free Student Dorm Gym

Every Wednesday, at 10:30 at the university dorm gym, you can join a free practice and play volleyball with other students from English Division!


Football is here !!! To all the football heads out there:
The university is finally offering you a chance to get out the house for a bit and play some Football every week. Starting Tuesday April 18th, at 7.15 pm, 6 v 6 football sessions will be held. So, gather your friends and come down for a kick about. The pitch is already paid for by the university. Whether you’re a beginner, or an experienced player, the sessions are guaranteed to provide you with some fun, an opportunity to meet new people from both ED and PD, and good vibes. There will also be music, and spectators are welcome.

All you need is a pair of football boots or sports shoes, no metal studs, appropriate sportswear, and a pair of gloves if you are a goalkeeper.
If you are interested please add yourselves to the whatsapp groupchat, all the essential information will be provided on there.

To find the complete list of sports available at our uni, check out Facebook page

If you ever have any questions, feel free to reach out to the coordinator of the sports at our university:

University Sports Division