Nicotine Dependence Syndrome

I might be a little bit old school about this, but my firm belief is: If I ‘consume’ research, I should do my part in making this research possible and participate in surveys… So I am one of those people who would answer to every single survey that was send to me, never mind they are too long and not too interesting. I ask you to do the same!

I will continue to post about research projects looking for participants, so if you need me to post something, please get in contact with me. 🙂


Please fill in the Vice Rectors Prof Zatońskis survey:

Dear Students,

We would like to invite you to participate in our short, anonymous survey on the nicotine dependence syndrome among students of Wroclaw Medical University.

(estimated time: 10min)

The study is a continuation of previous projects, the results of which you can find in 2 papers:,71786,0,2.html

Your input will make it possible to assess the extent of the problem and allow us to propose possible solutions.

Thank you for your time and participation!

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