Rectors’ meeting

Rector Prof. Ponikowski and Rector Prof. Piwowar

University authorities present at the meeting:

Rector Prof. Ponikowski

Rector Prof. Piwowar (didn’t speak) (Vice-) Dean Prof. Neubauer

Meeting notes

The Rector has a positive impression of ED after Polish Division meeting!

This meeting should be a dialogue between the rector and ISC.

“ED is sometimes left out of university politics. Examples are Green University and the Equality commission.”

Rector: yes definitely ED should be included more. The rector was not aware of

such an issue. Legal department should be involved in rewriting/phrasing the


Dean: was not aware. Beginning is the English website. Rector: Website: “one of his major failures”. Continuously working on improving to include. We cannot speak about ourselves as an international university without an English-translated website.

Rector: If we feel like we are deprived of any rights, that polish division has, then we are allowed to claim it for us as well.

Dean: shocked and impressed at our amazing ISC website. Very positive, good to take the input and know what students need in a website.

Rector: website should be integrated into the main university website. Apologies for being left out in the past. Invitation to the didactitcs meeting – will be attended by representatives of ISC.

To address further issues dividing us from PD Meeting monday: Rector’s and Dean’s meeting, invited to have representatives of student council there to be involved in the conversation and solve problems.

“Problems with student-staff interactions regarding sexual harassment, racism or discrimination. ISC wants to be the liaison or interface between students and staff.”

PD has a standardized system set up to deal with such issues. The university does not tolerate any of this kind of behavior. Needs to be a unified process, linking the ED to the student affair issues procedure that is already established for PD. Pathways can easily be translated into English and be available for everyone equally. Of course with just proof and verification. Formal investigation.

Stress of “zero tolerance” on any kind of inappropriate behavior

Dean: Might be a language barrier to report such issues. Dean will be helping out until the process is firmly set.

Rector: Full support from the university. Do not be scared to report anything! Open criticism will not be with consequence for the student at all. Formal investigation, proper handling of the situation. Language barrier is also not an issue. Currently, the reporting website is not in English, but reports can of course be sent in in English. Reporting needs to be specific for teachers or departments. And then actions can be taken.

“Wifi in the hospital building in Borowska is not working.”

Rector will report this to the hospital director and solve it

“Translation of tests or presentations in class are problematic due to bad translations or even non-translated materials.”

Presentations in classes cannot be in Polish during ED classes. Rector sees this

as a problem and it should be fixed.

Presentations and test should be based on the books for the curriculum, not from

Polish resources of example.

“Polish – especially younger year want more advanced Polish classes to be prepared for the clinical classes.”

Rector is open to this idea of more intense Polish classes, to achieve higher Polish level.

“LEK exam in 5th year instead of February 6th year, International students need some regulated dates/tests earlier than the Polish students.”

Rector: lower quality of the test results. University is judged by the government by LEK exams.

Suggestion to introduce a preliminary LEK: need to ensure good quality of the tests, so students don’t just go and see if they pass the exam with pure luck. When you pass this exam, you get to go to the real LEK. Needs to be an officially regulated process that ensures quality of tests.

“Alumni program with support from Kamran Hennesy.”

Yes! University will give all their resources to support an Alumni program. Let’s do


PD will then be able to learn from us and borrow the program.

“Student material: good departments give us reading list, topic lists, to use to study.”

Bring it to the meeting on Monday. Great idea and should be put into action

through the rector for education.

“English staz (shortened 6-month program)”

Dean: the program is already in motion, will be translated and then it will be

obvious that this program is openly available. Check the Polish website for it.

Student question: “sharing of the presentations in classes and lectures.”

Dean: all the teachers and professors are aware of this issue. It was sent out

specifically last week to remind them. They should be shared of course, not

sharing due to “copy right issues” is not a valid excuse.

“English language: could there be a verification for teacher’s English language level.”

Rector: not sure if they are legally allowed to ask them about their English level

and require proof. He simply doesn’t know if measures are enforced for English

level evaluation. They will double check.

“Exam dates: Can exam dates be shared earlier.”

Yes, should be definitely

Dean: put all the retake exam dates into the university calender last week.

Exam Calender ED UMW – Justyna Jeżewska – Outlook (

“Clinical classes: delay of teachers, not sharing teachers for groups”

Dean: 3 didactics meetings next week to figure out these problems

“Clinical preparation during the studies is not optimal. Students here at a disadvantage compared to other countries.”

This is the curriculum, that is what internships are for. Also, it highly depends on the country you are comparing the students to.

More regular meetings, Polish division is going to meet with the rector 2-3 times a year, interest or need for this in ED as well.

Thank you to the rector for his time and a very productive, positive meeting.

Preceding this meeting the Polish Division had a meeting with the rector to which ISC thought to have been invited to. The rector thanked ED for their interest and sent us home, promising us a seperate meeting for the next week. This took place on Thursday, 16.11.23.

Rector Prof. Ponikowski and Rector Prof. Piwowar

University authorities present at the meeting:

Rector Prof. Ponikowski

Rector Prof. Piwowar (didn’t speak) (Vice-) Dean Prof. Neubauer

Meeting notes

The Rector has a positive impression of ED after Polish Division meeting!

This meeting should be a dialogue between the rector and ISC.

“ED is sometimes left out of university politics. Examples are Green University and the Equality commission.”

Rector: yes definitely ED should be included more. The rector was not aware of

such an issue. Legal department should be involved in rewriting/phrasing the


Dean: was not aware. Beginning is the English website. Rector: Website: “one of his major failures”. Continuously working on improving to include. We cannot speak about ourselves as an international university without an English-translated website.

Rector: If we feel like we are deprived of any rights, that polish division has, then we are allowed to claim it for us as well.

Dean: shocked and impressed at our amazing ISC website. Very positive, good to take the input and know what students need in a website.

Rector: website should be integrated into the main university website. Apologies for being left out in the past. Invitation to the didactitcs meeting – will be attended by representatives of ISC.

To address further issues dividing us from PD Meeting monday: Rector’s and Dean’s meeting, invited to have representatives of student council there to be involved in the conversation and solve problems.

“Problems with student-staff interactions regarding sexual harassment, racism or discrimination. ISC wants to be the liaison or interface between students and staff.”

PD has a standardized system set up to deal with such issues. The university does not tolerate any of this kind of behavior. Needs to be a unified process, linking the ED to the student affair issues procedure that is already established for PD. Pathways can easily be translated into English and be available for everyone equally. Of course with just proof and verification. Formal investigation.

Stress of “zero tolerance” on any kind of inappropriate behavior

Dean: Might be a language barrier to report such issues. Dean will be helping out until the process is firmly set.

Rector: Full support from the university. Do not be scared to report anything! Open criticism will not be with consequence for the student at all. Formal investigation, proper handling of the situation. Language barrier is also not an issue. Currently, the reporting website is not in English, but reports can of course be sent in in English. Reporting needs to be specific for teachers or departments. And then actions can be taken.

“Wifi in the hospital building in Borowska is not working.”

Rector will report this to the hospital director and solve it

“Translation of tests or presentations in class are problematic due to bad translations or even non-translated materials.”

Presentations in classes cannot be in Polish during ED classes. Rector sees this

as a problem and it should be fixed.

Presentations and test should be based on the books for the curriculum, not from

Polish resources of example.

“Polish – especially younger year want more advanced Polish classes to be prepared for the clinical classes.”

Rector is open to this idea of more intense Polish classes, to achieve higher Polish level.

“LEK exam in 5th year instead of February 6th year, International students need some regulated dates/tests earlier than the Polish students.”

Rector: lower quality of the test results. University is judged by the government by LEK exams.

Suggestion to introduce a preliminary LEK: need to ensure good quality of the tests, so students don’t just go and see if they pass the exam with pure luck. When you pass this exam, you get to go to the real LEK. Needs to be an officially regulated process that ensures quality of tests.

“Alumni program with support from Kamran Hennesy.”

Yes! University will give all their resources to support an Alumni program. Let’s do


PD will then be able to learn from us and borrow the program.

“Student material: good departments give us reading list, topic lists, to use to study.”

Bring it to the meeting on Monday. Great idea and should be put into action

through the rector for education.

“English staz (shortened 6-month program)”

Dean: the program is already in motion, will be translated and then it will be

obvious that this program is openly available. Check the Polish website for it.

Student question: “sharing of the presentations in classes and lectures.”

Dean: all the teachers and professors are aware of this issue. It was sent out

specifically last week to remind them. They should be shared of course, not

sharing due to “copy right issues” is not a valid excuse.

“English language: could there be a verification for teacher’s English language level.”

Rector: not sure if they are legally allowed to ask them about their English level

and require proof. He simply doesn’t know if measures are enforced for English

level evaluation. They will double check.

“Exam dates: Can exam dates be shared earlier.”

Yes, should be definitely

Dean: put all the retake exam dates into the university calender last week.

Exam Calender ED UMW – Justyna Jeżewska – Outlook (

“Clinical classes: delay of teachers, not sharing teachers for groups”

Dean: 3 didactics meetings next week to figure out these problems

“Clinical preparation during the studies is not optimal. Students here at a disadvantage compared to other countries.”

This is the curriculum, that is what internships are for. Also, it highly depends on the country you are comparing the students to.

More regular meetings, Polish division is going to meet with the rector 2-3 times a year, interest or need for this in ED as well.

Thank you to the rector for his time and a very productive, positive meeting.

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