Doing what We can to help students of WMU
International Student Council is currently a group of 15 students and still growing. Our mission is to ease communication among students/professors/university officials, develop a higher level of organization, and inform ED students of upcoming events.
If you are interested in joining the ED student council please contact the ISC president or vice president. Elections are held each year, late October/early November.

Hanna Popiela
President of the International Student Council

Alex (Ye Wai Yan)
2nd Year Representative

Melissa Szmukala
6th year student, extracurriculars coordinator

Claudia Wszoła
6th Year Representative

Jan Dierkes
5th Year Representative

Magdalena Brutkowska
4th Year Representative

Michelle Thelen
3rd Year Representative

1st Year Representative

Wanda Ambrosius
6th Year Student
Website-queen and tech-girl

Haytham Al Hamaydeh
4th Year Student
WMU Sports Coordinator,
Mentorship Coordinator

Sharon Dassouli
4th Year Representative

Victoria Lengruesser
6th Year Student

Eva Manning
6th Year Student

Melina Hein
6th year student

Philipp Müller
5th year student

Esther Akande
4th year student

Vikram Singh
3rd year student

Abdur Rehman
2nd year student

3rd year student

2nd year student

1st year student
Do you want to join ISC?
Are you interested in cooperation?
Contact us using this form!
Student Affairs
Please submit your university related questions, concerns, complaints, problems using the link below.