Student research project on tuberculosis

Here’s one more study that I would like you to participate in: It’s close to my heart, because I am co-author of this study <3

I will continue to post about research projects looking for participants, so if you need me to post something, please get in contact with me. 🙂


No matter if you are first or sixth year, we would like you to fill the form to your best knowledge:

Dear fellow medical students👩‍⚕🧑‍⚕👨‍⚕

We are conducting a study about tuberculosis and how medical students around the world think about this topic.

The survey will take about 10 min and we would highly appreciate it, if you could take the time to help us!

We have already presented our preliminary results at the European Society for Pediatric Infectious Diseases in Lisbon this year and need more participants before we can publish!

Please feel free to share this with any medical student!

The PIDSA🍕 team from Medical University Wrocław

Thank you for your time and participation!

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