IFMSA Poland


IFMSA Poland -logo of Wroclaw branch

IFMSA Poland

International Federation of Medical Students Association

The International Federation of Medical Students Associations (IFMSA), founded in 1951, is one of the world’s oldest and largest student-run organizations. It represents, connects and engages every day with an inspiring and engaging network of 1.3 million medical students from 139 NMOs in 130 countries around the globe.

As IFMSA-Wrocław we organize events of all kind for the students of our university and the community of our city. On the left you can see the different projects we have going on, that you can also become a part of! They range from education about reproductive health over prophylactic check-ups for population disease to events in cooperation with Amnesty International. While you help in the organization of these projects, you collect points, that can get you an internship! Learn more about the different programs and internships.

Why do we do it?

As IFMSA-Wrocław we organize events of all kind for the students of our university and the community of our city. On the left you can see the different projects we have going on, that you can also become a part of! They range from education about reproductive health over prophylactic check-ups for population disease to events in cooperation with Amnesty International. While you help in the organization of these projects, you collect points, that can get you an internship! Learn more about the different programs and internships.

Are you curious?

You want to join IFMSA and become part of the biggest medical student network in the world? Contact our ED-coordinators to find ways to get invovled today!



Please check out the presentation below to find out more about the organization!